Discover The Simple 4-Step “Roadmap” I Used To Sell Over $1 Million Of Coaching Online...

This brand new, self-paced program gives you instant access to the tools, strategies and tactics you need to get the clients you want.

You’re a coach who knows you can help people.

With an incredible gift… the ability to impact thousands of lives…

There’s just one little problem…

Getting clients.

And when it comes to attracting people who are ready and excited to work with you…

You’re not sure the right next steps to take.

You’ve got lots of unanswered questions…

  • What's my niche?
  • What should I charge, and what should I offer clients?
  • How do I find people who want to work with me?

And as a result...

You’re stuck in “starter limbo” — feeling overwhelmed, discouraged or confused


Missing out on thousands of dollars from clients who aren’t hiring you


Working a 9 - 5 that’s beneath your potential, while coaching remains a hobby or side hustle


I see you.

Despite launching my own coaching business in 2016 with a ton of enthusiasm…

I only made $4728 my first year.

I knew I could help people, but when it came to marketing, I didn’t really know what I was doing.

It took me years to figure out what worked…

But once I “cracked the code” on how to attract the clients I wanted, everything changed.

I was able to…

Sign over 2000 paying clients

Make my first $1 million online as a coach

Go full-time and experience the freedom of getting to wake up every day and do work I love

Your roadmap to consistent clients

Launching or growing a coaching business can feel complicated…

But the truth is, it’s actually pretty simple.

After years of growing my own coaching business…

I discovered a simple, 4-step “method” for attracting high-paying clients online.

1. Get clear on your niche

2. Build an irresistible offer

3. Grow an audience online

4. Master the art of enrollment

I’ve shared this roadmap with thousands of coaches...

And the results have been extraordinary...

These four simple steps have transformed the lives and businesses of coaches in every niche imaginable…

“I went from making $2k over 6 months to $260k in one year.”

“I tripled my rates and started hitting 10k+ months.”

“I made $59,000 in six months.”

Previously, the steps to apply this roadmap were only available inside my highest-level mentorship programs...

Which we sell today for 10k+...

But after seeing so many coaches experience incredible results with this roadmap…

I wanted to open it up and make it more accessible to coaches around the world…

In a brand new, self-paced format that gives you the freedom to implement in a timeline that works for you…

Introducing... LAUNCHPAD.

Inside LAUNCHPAD, you’ll get lifetime access to my signature client attraction roadmap…

With 40+ hours of deep-dive training, showing you the exact next steps you need to take to sign high-paying coaching clients consistently

In an easy-to-digest, self-directed format that you can go through at your own pace.

Here's what's inside...

Module 1: Six Figure Mindset

Break through imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and embody the mindset you need to stand out and attract the clients you want.

Module 2: Nail Your Niche

Get clear on the perfect niche for you, and discover how to virtually guarantee your messaging and offers will resonate with your ideal clients.

Module 3: Irresistible Offer

Discover my step-by-step method for creating multi-four-figure coaching offers that are built to sell.

Module 4: Grow Your Audience

Discover the tactics and strategies you can use to grow an audience of raving fans online who follow you, engage with your content, and reach out, asking about working with you.

Includes my entire Belief-Based Messaging framework to help you clarify the exact words to use in your social media posts and emails to attract people who blow up your DMs, asking if you’ve got the space to take them on as clients.

This is literally “voodoo magic” for marketing… the keys to the kingdom when it comes to attracting high-paying clients online.

Module 5: Effortless Enrollment

Get the heart-centered sales framework I’ve personally used to enroll over $1 million of coaching clients, without being pushy or salesy.

This is everything you need to take someone from “I’m interested” to “here’s my credit card” — in a way that’s honest, authentic, high-integrity, and no BS.

Bonus Trainings

- An exclusive “behind the scenes” walkthrough of the unique productivity method I’ve personally used to scale my coaching business past multiple six figures with greater ease, alignment & flow

- A private, closed-door training with multi-seven-figure business coach Shoshanna Raven… walking through the roadmap and principles she used to scale her coaching business past $8 million in sales

More results from coaches we've helped...

“I went from inconsistent clients to a $19k month in 60 days.”

“I made $8200 in 30 days.”

“I started hitting $6 - 9k months.”


Waking up every day, opening up your DMs or inbox and seeing it filled with people reaching out, telling you how much your content is resonating and asking about working with you

Feeling clear and confident on the exact next steps you need to take to launch or grow your business and attract the clients you want

Waking up with a calendar filled with clients you absolutely love, who are experiencing incredible results in their lives through the powerful work you do

Getting paid to do work that’s in full alignment with your deepest gifts, knowing in your heart that’s you’re living out your highest purpose

Making $5k, 8k, 10k+ per month, with plenty of flexibility to take time off, work when you want, and travel anywhere in the world with a laptop or phone

Getting to make an incredible impact on the lives of thousands, knowing that people will never be the same because of the work you do

This is what’s possible through applying the roadmap you’ll discover inside Launchpad…

And why I’m so excited to invite you to join us.

Frequently asked questions

Who is Launchpad for?

Coaches, mentors, consultants, healers, and other service-based online business owners who…

  • Haven’t yet launched their business, and are looking for help getting their first few clients and getting their business off the ground
  • Have already launched their business and want help getting more clients and increasing their income

What will I find inside?

40+ hours of recorded video trainings that walk through my complete client attraction roadmap in detail, with plenty of worksheets and downloadable materials to help you implement.

Will I have 1-to-1 access or support from Jason inside Launchpad?

We don’t provide 1-to-1 support, group calls or live trainings inside this program. If you’d like access to 1-to-1 mentorship with Jason, apply to work with me here.

Are there refunds or guarantees?

No, we don’t promise revenue increases or guarantee monetary results. Your results are up to you and your resilience and skill in implementing what you learn. We don’t provide refunds, so once you’re in, you’re in. Review our Earnings Disclaimer and reflect on your own appetite for risk before joining us. Our testimonials showcase what's possible and are real stories from clients we’ve worked with, but we offer no guarantees you will see similar results.

Have more questions?

Reach out to me at with questions — I’m happy to reply personally and provide you with any additional info you need to come to clarity on the best next steps for you.

It’s time you step into your deepest calling, the impact you’re here to make… the life-changing work you're born to do.

Copyright Jason Moss LLC. All rights reserved.

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Testimonials featured on this page are from coaches we've helped in various capacities via different programs we've offered. Many had access to additional support beyond that which we provide inside Launchpad. These testimonials showcase what's possible and are real stories from clients we’ve worked with, but we offer no guarantees you will see similar results. Launching and growing a business involves risk and uncertainty, and your results may vary.

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